Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I so want to see this movie but so far no one wants to go with me. I can't even guilt tripped them with my birthday. Waa!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Have I Talked About Cupcakes Latelyyy?

In baking mode all week end, I was making cupcakes for my 3 cousins because their birthday are close together. And that inspired me to make more and take pictures of them. Here's one of them:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shutter Island

I don't care what you say it's a good movie, it's just a bit too long and winded. By the time Scorsese got to his point I was loosing interests and some feelings in my bum. LOL. This movie just need to get to the point a bit faster, that's all. But I tell you why it's worth watching, DiCaprio's acting, and the fact that he's easy on the eyes. ^__^